Barbeque parties are perfect for outdoor party environments. But during chilly winters you got to stage both, a barbeque grill and a fireplace to drench the ambience in comfortable temperatures. So here is Safreeti Olympiq which is beautiful combination of a fireplace and grill. When you do not wish to use this as a fireplace, all you got to do is replace the glass sheiled with the stainless steel grill and start barbecuing.
Inside this barbecue-fireplace combo, there is a Philip’s woodstove which is bestowed with an adjustable ventilator for highly efficient wood burning that makes it extremely eco-efficient. The outer shell here is made of powder-coated aluminum to give the sleek black finish. This woodstove uses high efficiency wood burn (Philips) technology which was primarily meant for the rural population of India and Africa.
The designer group of Safretti includes names like des Bouvrie, Frans Schrofer, Jort Mercuur, Henk Heres and Roderick Vos. Their fireplaces have had prestigious mention in various forms of media. This OlympiQ Fireplace can be bought for a price of $3.700.
via: Gentleman’s Gadget