Revolution Phone Gets To Keep The Frederic Jouvenot Chronograph Evolution Watch

Step aside for the price will blow your mind away! Though we are not too sure about the product (and we shall come to that bit only later). The luxury market is up with its newest offering that is the Revolution phone made by a company called Goldvish, a rather ‘colloquial American’ spelling. Well, what the folks here did was to simply attach a Frederic Jouvenot Chronograph Evolution watch to the phone device.

Frankly, it is the first of its kind’s effort so like all firsts do, this one too shall expect for some brickbats. A rather bizarre combo of luxury with too much techie stuff, the watch costs a huge $48,000 which, we are aware, will fit into the budget of a handful only. By the way, the section with the watch is removable from the phone.

There are plenty of shimmering crystals or do they seem to be diamonds, we are not sure, lining the whole body of the watchphone. Hmmm…On second thoughts the pretty ladies might like it. Quite obviously, it is part of a limited edition and will be available only from June 9th onwards.

Via ablogtoread

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