Recumbent Bike for those who Gave Up Cycling

For those of you who thought their cycling days were over due to physical problems or age agenda you have a reason to smile! Not exactly your regular upright cycle, but what sure is in store for you is much more than that. Here is the all new and improved recumbent cycle! Unlike the two-wheeled recumbents, the lightweight ‘Greenspeed Trike’ gets going from the first push of pedal and is conveniently much lower to the ground giving it a stable and ready-to-ride position. The GT3 weighs merely 37.5 lbs. and what’s more, it’s portable and could be easily folded up for transportation.

So if your middle-age is giving you knee/neck/back problems or if you’re older and/or fairly overweight for a regular bike, Ta Da! Greenspeed Trike is all you need. It’s faster and infinitely sporty and maneuverable and the recumbent feature lets you enjoy your surroundings much more than on regular cycles.

Though you better not hit the road on it, will be safer if you stuck to your home streets as you might want to feel completely relaxed on it. Worth $2750, you might want to get recumbent if you are not of the hefty cash holders!!

Via Cool Tools

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