Prince William And Kate Middleton’s Wedding Invites Sent Out

It is the most awaited wedding of 2011, and the invites have already arrived. 1,900 guests have been invited to Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding in Westminster Abbey on 29 April. The invites have gone out to leaders, diplomats, church officials, royals and celebrities from across the world, as well as old schoolmates and friends from university.  The invite to probably the most high profile wedding of the year is a stiff white card measuring 10 inches by 6 inches, with gold lettering bearing the engraved gold insignia of the Queen of England. The edges of the card are bevelled and gilded to perfection.

The invite proclaims that “The Lord Chamberlain is commanded by The Queen to invite” the holder of the card to the royal wedding. Guests have been asked to dress in military uniform, a morning coat or a lounge suit, the latter simply being a fancier name for your basic business suit.

Of the 1,900 invitees to the Westminster Abbey wedding, 600 have been invited by Queen Elizabeth to attend a reception immediately after the conclusion of the wedding ceremony. Thereafter, there is a still more private gathering. Prince Charles has invited 300 of the above 600 to attend a special dinner at Buckingham Palace later that evening.

The wedding invites were sent out on Wednesday and Thursday. However, invites to the other two events are not being released because they are private affairs. William and Kate will be spending their wedding night in London before heading for their honeymoon on 30 April.


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