Philips Creates Acoustic Panels Embedded with LEDs to Light up your Room

Philips has a large set up of research and development infrastructure doing good work in the field of lighting that ensures the company stays ahead of the competition. At the same time it keeps coming up with interesting concepts that are capable of changing the way we light our rooms. They have now come up with something that could be called a glowing wall paper. Philips is teaming up with Kvadrat Soft Cells to create a kind of luminous textile for the consumer market. Well it is not really a textile but an acoustic panel that has adjustable LEDs embedded in it.

These panels with embedded LEDs can be hung on the wall and they will emit ambient lighting giving the effect of an active piece of artwork. The panels can be used as glitzy wallpaper and it will be able to bathe entire rooms in soft tones as you choose. Since they are acoustic panels basically they will muffle the sound and reduce echo in large spaces. They are also capable of responding to sounds and can be programmed to respond to the music playing at any given time.

In certain rooms these panels can be used as a source of primary lighting. It can help reduce your dependence on overhead fixtures and windows. It can prove to be very useful for windowless spaces in large buildings. These panels can create a glowing and warm feel in a room and not be sterile like a fluorescent bulb. Philips has not declared any rollout plan for the new product but they are targeting commercial buildings and hotel chains as prospective consumers. There is no information about the possible pricing of the product as it could turnout to be the most expensive wallpaper. It is possible there might be some fine tuning of the product before the final pricing is worked out.

Via: popsci,

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