Outdoor Bedroom Experience Offered by AKA Central Park Hotel in New York

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to sleep outside on the 58th Street in New York? The 5-star hotel AKA Central Park is making it possible for you to experience it firsthand. They have introduced the offer of The Outdoor Bedroom and will setup a penthouse suite on a wraparound terrace. You can book the terrace penthouse now. The terrace is 17 floors above the 58th Street and will be as lavishly appointed as any luxury hotel room. The suite will have a queen sized bed, chaise lounges, metal-clad fireplace and your own personal butler.

The pricing of the new offer or the rates have not been declared but chances are that it will not qualify as the most expensive penthouse. However the bookings will have to be made with at least a lead time of two weeks as it takes time to get things moving up on the terrace to get the suite organized for you. If you want our recommendation, we will suggest the east suite as it offers superior views of the city and comes with an oversized rain shower.

You are sure to enjoy the unique experience. You can drop your bags inside a floor below and go up to the terrace to be closer to nature right in the heart of New York. You will also have the services of a butler to make your stay comfortable. He will not only tend to your wood-burning fireplace but toast up your first batch of La Maison du Chocolat. You can call up the martini-bearing bartender onto your terrace and star gaze through the high powered telescope set up for you. It is no doubt a unique experience on offer and I am sure not many hotels will be able to match it.

Via: urbandaddy

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