A Travel Enthusiast From New Jersey Holds the Largest US Passport

For someone like me who is fond of travelling, I was wondering what it would actually take to run out of passport pages. Today, I chanced upon this story of Sanjeev Midha, a man who got a new passport because his old one ran out of pages. For most people who go for new passports, it usually after expiration for their old ones. But for this 49yr old travel-enthusiast, 100 pages proved insufficient for his travel fiasco. And even after he got his new one, it has already reached the 96th page.

It’s not business which makes Mr. Midha travel so much. He spends 3-4 months way with children and wife travelling around for pleasure. Last summer, he toured around China, Mongolia, Canada, Belize and then finally Europe. For thanksgiving, he intends to visit the Cayman Islands for snorkeling.

This would probably leave you with a question that what kind of amount does one need to run out of passport pages? Midha confides that he sets aside around $150,000 to $250,000 each year just for world travel. This amount is sufficient for his 8-10 trips including the cost for his wife and two sons.

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