Nikolay Mihaylov Designs the Cradle of Light

Nikolay Mihaylov is a Bulgarian designer based in Sofia, the capital of the country. He has designed the Cradle of the Light, a stylish and unique concept lamp which diversifies the area and creates different decorative possibilities for those who have the power of imagination.

One can change and alter the colour of the light and even intensity of the light can be done so. It could be used along with many other cradles of light and it has a touch of innocence, style and beauty to it. It got the third prize at Bulgarian Design Biennial and also participated at 100% Design London 2009. It has been designed for young people 2who are willing to experiment with their interiors.


These kinda lamps always do justice to the interiors and within no time, you could turn your ordinary room into a marvellous room. The prototype of the Cradle of the Light costs 60 Euros and I must it is a great way to lighten your rooms. Go ahead and get these lamps at the designer’s website or ask him to design one for you if you can afford to get customized designs.


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