MySky Aircraft Inc. Accpeting Orders For Their New Flying Machines

What could be better than having an aircraft of your own? Definitely a light sport aircraft that MySky Aircraft Inc. is busy crafting out these days for the potential buyers. Well, the company as decided to take in orders for the new airplane. This is all-composite version that even has a fighter-style bubble canopy and a side stick control.

And that is definitely all for the MS-1 Mentor flaunts a cruise speed of 120 knots with a range as promising as 636 nautical miles. Apart from these, there is the front panel flight and engine instruments, ELT, stylish nav lights and flashy wing tip strobes. The MS-1 Elite is no less thanks to its MySky Flight Information Center in both front and back panel. The back up analog airspeed and altimeter indicators, magnetic compass, Garmin VHF come with intercom and GTX-327 encoding transponder are useful too.

The starting price for the basic Mentor model is $124,500 while Elite comes for $132,000. The interior has porsche-style leather and rosewood interior, AmSafe seat belts with airbags, night flight package and flight automation options. Both models are winners in their own special ways!


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