Most expensive snakeskin manicure costs £62 per finger

One gets to see all sorts of nail art these days. It has become some sort of fashion fab with celebrities like Katy Perry, Beyonce among several others showing off quirky nail fashion. The latest in the growing trend is snakeskin nail art. Yes, it is literally the skin of snakes on your nail. Apparently it is all the rage in New York and now has slithered its way to UK.  But be ready to shell out some major dough as it is one of the most expensive manicures costing a whopping £62 per nail (or £82 per toe nail).

The trend was started by Terri Silacci in California, who stumbled upon this unique idea when she saw her son bring home shed snake skin. If you have seen enough of National Geographic, you will know that snakes shed their skin on a regular basis, and it is this skin that is taken and processed to put on your nails. It is first sanitised into Bio Sculpture Gel into which colour is added and covered with a flexible protective gel layer. It seems like a lot of work and the process does infact last for a whole two hours the results of which last for two weeks.

The Hand & Foot Spa in Chelsea, England offers this particular manicure in the UK. Founder of the Hand & Foot Spa, Donna Haar-Jorgensen says that most of her clients look for something different everytime they come in and the snakeskin pedicure and manicure is definitely unique and stylish. There are 170 colour combinations to choose from and the texture of the snakeskin is different everytime. So you can be sure that you will come out with something very special after spending that much time and money. Plus it would make a great conversation starter!

Via: DailyMail

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