Moda Home Collection Adriana Barra’s Furniture Collection With Retro Flavor

When you translate the prints from Boho dresses to custom crafted and uniquely printed furniture, it might really not be to the liking of many. One must have both a very deep cultural connection and appreciation for art to really take to such pieces. The Moda Home Collection from Adriana Barra is something that incorporates the retro styling with cool new improvisations to give you a range of furniture pieces that are both unique and limited.

The collection contains stuff such as the Mini Ice Boxes which look more like stuff from the Looney Toon Land or just plain old drawings from a six year old playing with his crayons. The Mini Ice Box refrigerators are each priced at a whooping $ 7,500 and if you think that is too much to pay for the print then you are not the only one. The collection also offers a wide range of side tables and coffee tables as well. Even for the elite, this is a bit boring.

You can spend millions of dollars on something that looks cool enough, but this just seems nothing near cool. But then, it is just one person�s opinion and there are many out there who would love to have a piece from the Moda Home Collection.

Via: Coolhunting

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