With approaching winters, the comfort of hot morning shower brings along the anxiety of foggy bathroom mirror. Besides this, the very access to its need ends up leaving water prints on its face generating a need to depute a full-time maid rubbing cloth now and then. Be it Belvedere Italy mirror or windowpane mirror, you were expected to be cautious while shaving or applying gloss to your lips or prepare yourself to extract time from your busy schedule to clean it.
Overshadowing all the practiced solutions viz. defogging via cold-air and towel wiping, its time to welcome an interesting designer creation by Spanish design trio Causas Externas. The designer’s brief about the “mirror with windshield wiper” (as they say–espejo con limpiaparabrisas) is as simple as the concept itself. They believe the value addition of an “exterior element” in the form of a windshield wiper can keep mirror clean, making you feel high. Three cheers for them.
The wiper is available in two sizes.
Single: 500 cm x 450 cm
Double: 700 cm x 500 cm