Launched Officially

Luxury Homes and Autos LLC had been developing and running for a year now in Beta mode an online advertising platform called dedicated solely to buying, selling and renting luxury real estate properties and luxury / classic autos. The site has now been launched officially. Laurie Marks, the co-owner of the company explained that the real estate properties and autos sought to be advertised on the site are accepted only if they qualify as luxury in both quality and price points. Apart from private owners and individuals the site is ideal for Agents, Brokers, Dealers and companies in the field.

The site is not only designed to be user friendly it offers very good value for your money. It offers free search option for the buyers and very reasonably priced advertising packages for the sellers. The site is open for all 24×7. There are no barriers in terms of trial or membership requirements. You are free to search or place ads any time of the day or night. No wonder, the response has been fantastic in terms of search volume and visits to the Site.

Laurie Marks, while talking on the occasion of the launch, said that the decision to go for both real estate and autos was rather easy to make as very often the buyers for both are the same. People who are looking for luxury homes are the same people looking for luxury autos, and vice versa. The dull economic conditions had made markets for both very sluggish and creating the platform was their way of stimulating the market. The idea was to keep it simple, direct, targeted and affordable. The amount of traffic coming to the site both from the US and outside has proved that people were looking for a platform like this which was easily accessible.


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