Mark III: Your Ultimate Gaming Sanctuary bringing Virtual World to Life!

Virtual Reality has indeed taken off to a whole new plane in a very short time and with gaming companies constantly trying to outdo one another; it seems that the world of gaming is only going to get better for the hardcore enthusiast. Yet, with all the PS3, Wii and Xbox madness around, there is still no match for a flight/driving simulator pod that transforms you into a whole new world where you really are taken in to gaming nirvana. Mark III from Podwombats is a simulator that will create your own gaming zone in your own home and the best part is that it sliding hood shuts itself up to give you undisturbed pleasure.

Mark II features doors that shut you from the environment outside and once you are in, you truly feel like you are riding in the cockpit of that multi-billion dollar jet. Mark II can be customized to the needs of the customer and even custom paint jobs are done to fulfill your aesthetic needs. The state-of-the-art technology along with some awesome fun makes the Mark III a very special choice for gaming-heads. For now though, the price on Mark III is not known. But be sure you get one of these if you really want to get into the thick of gaming action.

Via: Podwombats

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