Love Spell Ceremony Kit for the Miserably Lonely

If you are having a hard time finding the love of your life, it just means you are not great enough to look at or great enough to be with. When such is the condition, you have two options: stay in a corner and weep about it, or cast a Love Spell.

Love spells don’t really work but they certainly do make you hope your life will have a better and more cheerful turn. Hope, as they say is oppressive but it is the only thing that you can hold on to. So, in order to make your futile Love Spell Ceremony a little glamorous, you could get yourself this cool Love Spell Set.


It comes with a Love Spell Candle that burns through your misery, two beeswax hearts in yellow and brown to make you feel lonelier, Love spell ointment which is actually an aphrodisiac if your libido has also died, and also the much required Love Exclamation Table made of beeswax. The miserable but lovable package costs $8 and does not come with a warning that nothing might actually improve your love life.

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