Louboutin’s Shoe Gets Packed With A Piper Heisieck Champagne

How does a bottle of real expensive champagne packed in with a shoe sound to you? We dunno about the men but we are quite sure that the womenfolk will welcome this rather unique marketing idea. Champagne makers Piper Heisieck have teamed up with famous and much celebrated shoe maker Christian Loubotin to create a new and unique offering to their loyals and build a new following too.

The box set is called Le Rituel. It packs in a bottle of a high quality champagne along with a very elegant glass shoe that comes from Louboutin’s workshop. We are told that this little feat is inspired by an 1880 ritual when a sleek glass shoe made for a curious piece of your interior deco. So you too can show off your designer shoe on your mantlepiece though we think it will look best on your bar.

We think the ladies will be forced to miss the second shoe that would have complete this fashionable pair. Because then it would have been flaunted to dainty women feat rather than on the bar. A good and interesting buy nonetheless.


Via notcot

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