Lotte Departmental Store starts their creme de la crème programme

The Lotte Department Stores have started a creme de la crème programme for their VVIP customers, or customers lying in the top one percent in terms of annual purchase value to make their shopping experience completely hassle free. In this scheme, the customers will be sent magazines with pictures and descriptions of all the new items coming in. They can even get pictures sent to their mobile phones.

All the customer will have to do then is pick out in advance the items which they like, and when they go to the store, these items will already be kept for them to try on. An analysis has shortlisted 58,800 VVIPs out of its 5.88 million customers nationwide. According to this survey, majority of the VVIPs are in the ages of 45 and 54, and 31 percent of the top 1 percent lives in Gangnam, southern Seoul.

Armani suits and shirts, Louis Vuitton wallets and belts, and Rolex watches are the favourite items in the list of the top 1 percent VVIP male. Whereas their female counterparts love to purchase Chanel bags, shoes and formal wear, in addition to Cartier watches. Lotte continuously holds events and schemes to gain the loyalty of their customers.

Via: Joongangdaily

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