Looking For An E- Ink Reader? The Skiff Reader Is The New Leader

The Amazon Kindle DX moves to position number two as the Skiff Reader emerges as the largest e-reader on the market. And from what we hear, it’s not just the size making all the difference. In fact, all the credit goes to the two new technologies that the e-reader has incorporated. We are talking about the touchscreen e-ink display and the silicon thin film transistors on a flexible steel substrate.

And Skiff Reader is not one to rest on its laurels. It is already maing plans to come out with a swinging and rather large 11.5 inch sized screen with an impressive 1200 x 1600 pixel resolution. This high resolution would be able to do much better justice to the magazine and newspaper layouts that we’ve seen so far from an e-ink based reader.

The addition of a 3G wireless has also turned out to be a strong feature for the Skiff. We think it will play an important role in increasing the distribution deal for the e-ink based reader even further. Too bad we do not know what content will be featured here.

Via crunchgear

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