Living Kitchen with Fascinating Claytronics Technology by Michael Harbourn

Imagine if you could move those faucets and utensils in your kitchen at the press of a single button. How easy and exciting it would be to cook? This might just be possible in the future, if not at the very moment. Designer Michael Harbourn envisions a high-tech kitchen life in the future with walls of pure Claytronics technology. Interestingly, this technology is also simultaneously being researched by some professors at the Carnegie Mellon University.

Michael’s technology consists of nanoscale self-organizing robots. The fascinating part is that you could create a shape-shifting mass of matter and create whatever you like according to your choice. You could send separate signals to these creatures and then they turn into a faucet, a stove, a refrigerator, shine a light, etc. This sounds a tad too unbelievable at the moment.

Maybe that’s why they say, “Seeing is believing.” So, let the time bring the technology and the world shall believe it at once. For now, it seems surreal. If this technology ever becomes functional then it will save a lot of time that one spends on cooking in the kitchen. On the contrary, it might just increase human laziness. We are already depending too much on technology. After all, it’s a fast world controlled by advanced technology.

Via: YankoDesign

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