Kick the Pedal, Chill the Beer!

The heat is on! The world is melting down financially and geographically but that is not reason enough to keep you from sweating out! Work out I mean. Now come on, I know you have been putting it off for tomorrow but hey, tomorrow never comes remember? And here is a little encouragement too much which will get you on your feet instantly! Burn out and get chilling beer! Well at least with this home trainer that has an attached heat pump to it, you can chill your beer and all it requires is vigorous pedaling. Some motivation!

Austrian engineers found a clever way to inspirit exercisers with the lure of spirit! Hey, but an orange juice would be just fine and more healthy, wotsay? Or you can have chilled coffee or a hot one if you like that because the heat pump has two tubs with two copper coils in each, one to heat and the other to cool. Beat the heat or cool it the way you like to with this exercise bike which is quite an interesting concept. Have a great exercise session and this one will sure not leave you thirsty, I bet!

Via TreeHugger , pege

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