Jay-Z Shows Up at LIV, Miami

Jay-Z pulls out another Ace of Spades and ends up the BOSS after spending $250 000 in just two hours. Miami’s LIV club charged patrons $500 entrance fee and $25 000 per reserved table to be in his presence. This doesn’t leave a very “bubbly” taste in the mouth, especially of people who are dying out of scarcity of food and abundance of hunger.

LIV’s “watch the throne” party” was expected to be graced by Kanye West and Jay-Z, but sadly, the idea of going to a party at 3:16 a.m. didnt jibe with Kanye West, so only Jay-Z turned up at the party at that time. Does it even make sense that champagne costs $100 000? Who benefits from this over-the-top extravagance? The club owner? Jay-Z? The patrons? How many mouths can be fed with “one bottle of champagne”? Only people who were willing to shell out more than just their souls were present there, as the club had increased its entry fee to suit the rates that they charge for parties with the presence of such hyped stars.

On the other hand, one can say there is nothing wrong with spending thousands of dollars if you have hundreds of millions in the bank. Jay-Z may have spent hundreds of thousands on a two-hour splurge, but he may also donate to various charities. If a little birdie is to believe, it was a fashionably expensive party with people laddling out every single dime in their pockets to get a glimpse of the star. Jay-z was opening bottles at the rate of Beyonce’s pelvic thrusts in most of her songs. The last time when the club saw such profusion of extravangance was when Mark Cuban, the owner of Dallas Mavericks partied, spending almost $110K.

via: telegraph

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