Japanese Automated Tombs, Courtesy Nichiryoku!

The ongoing Japan’s aging society has witnessed a surge in number of funerals with every passing day, which poses a handicap before the restricted space options. This has led to the evolution of creative alternatives; hence generating a god deal of death business here in Japan. Earlier, we introduced you to the multimedia tombstones unveiled in Japan and then considering the dearth of space, the available room costs about $20,000.

It was then Japanese nationals woke up to calculate a way to deal with the problem following a technological twist. Therefore, Nichiryoku identified an interactive family plot that fuses expertise with the customary. It stores the cremated remains of your loved ones in a personal sealed box that is kept in a secretive vault. As per your requirement, you can access the box and scan an RFID card that directs the system to fetch up your box and rest it in the entreaty area.

Jump over to experience the first-hand view of videos, packed with voices beyond the grave. Apologies for not translating the video but for sure visuals would convey the idea. The top one depicts woman visiting her father (speaking from beyond the grave) who is amazed that she came.

Via KilanNakaMura
Japanese Automated Tombs

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