iPad Supreme Ice Edition looks amazing in White Gold

Stuart Hughes it seems wants to make every gadget out there into a jewel. He literally covers everything with gold, silver platinum, diamond, you name it! He first brought out the MacBook Air Supreme Fire and Ice Editions. The man is now looking to give the Midas touch to the Wi-Fi, 64GB version of the cool gadget. He has christened this latest creation of his as the iPad Supreme Ice Edition.

This iPad will be given a coating of 18 ct of white gold. This coating brings the total weight of the handy gadget to about 2Kgs. Considering it is covered with so much of gold it’s price would obviously be more than your normal iPad. So here it goes, this bejewelled gadget will cost you around £79,995 (around $121,240) per piece. Now until and unless you are some filthy rich geek, then I am sorry you will have to be content with the usual iPad.

But that is in itself pretty cool, so you don’t have to be too sad. But those of you who do have that kind of dough, then do hurry up cause the iPad Supreme Ice Edition quite unsurprisingly comes in a limited edition, with just 50 pieces. But then again, considering the high cost, I am not sure if there would be a queue for this one.

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