We do get to see some metallic bags out there, but most of them don’t look very chic. But if they are designed properly and the materials used are of the appropriate and high quality, the such bags can actually look very very chic. Pamela Love I think has brought out one such metallic bag that I am sure will catch the eye of any bag connoisseur.
I present to you the Revolve pewter bags from Pamela Love. These bags have been plated either in antiqued brass or oxidised silver. To give it a distressed finishing, stitching details have been added. It has a hinged cylindrical shape that I think will be quite cool and convenient as well. The bag contains side buttons that actually beautify it by having rich details such as the designer’s initials.
Plus, there are the signature Pamela Love charms at the sides that also add to the bag’s charm. To go with the metallic look, the strap of the bag is also metallic and the material used is stainless steel. It measures 30″ and has a 13″ drop. Pamela Love has brought out two models in this series: PAME-WY1 (silver) and PAME-WY2 (brass).
Via: RevolveClothing , BeautifulLife