Hyeona Yang and Joshua Noble Unveil Rain Water Harvesting Clothes

In certain altitudes the rain drops will be very pure and when it reaches down it will be polluted with dust, dirty and chemicals. Hyeona Yang and Joshua Noble have designed the raincatch which turns rain water into drinking water. According to Noble and Yang, the water will be stored around the rainwater runs down the hood into the large collar of raincoat, from there the collected rain water gathered around shoulder which back of the coat passes through small tubes containing charcoal filters and purified later through chemical process. The water then accumulated around the hips of the coat where wearer would not have strain of weight.

The raincatch is a raincoat which is involved with series of steps like collection, purification and storage system of rainwater and finally allowing the wearer of the coat to drink pure filtered sweet water to quench his thirst. To attain this result the coat has been altered to look distinctly like a garment, which is knee length, and elegant. During rainy season; you can wear the coat while you travel knowing the forecast of the weather. When you get drenched will you be thirsty. But economically it is a good idea to have free filtered water.

The volume of collected water will not be known exactly, the interesting thing is, it is mixing with wearable fashion technology as well as cleansing. It is useful in places where with less purification system having high pollution. Though the concept is highly practical, in less rain region is highly impractical.

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