Horn Dockstation Will Rock You & Your i-Phone

It is the ‘i-…’ revolution that has changed the world. Apple indeed will go down in history for giving the technizens iconic gadgets that simply changed the relationship between technology and the humankind. First it was the i-Mac that had everybody smitten over with it. And what should one say about the i-Pod which is like the ultimate musical companion anyone could ask for. They say that the new Nano version also keeps in a pedometer to check on the health side of your life. Then came the i-Phone revolution. Plus the BBC reports that folks are dying to get their hands on an i-Pad which is expected to change the world of internet significantly.

Coming back to the i-Phone, this little device has given rise to a new range of music speakers lovingly referred to as the dockstation. We have seen and heard of many interesting and not-so-interesting ones. And there is one more. This one is shaped like a horn and is absolutely adorable.

A rather grand yet simplistic affair for your iPhone. The technical details are not out yet but the first look images have created quite a favorable impression. There is a two-way outlet for sound. Quite stylish, the horn dockstation looks like a hi-fi stereo sound system even without an external energy source.

Via volo7

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