Hermès Birkin Handbags Doubleup as Jewelry but Cost £1.2 Million

Birkin bags are normally more expensive than most other designer handbags. It generally forms the top end of the high end bags. The Hermès Birkin luxury handbags are made for the super rich as they normally cost more than £10,000. But the French luxury brand has outdone itself and taken luxury to another level. They have created four new designs that have transformed the bags into fine jewelry. They are miniature totes made out of gold.  Almost the entire body of the tote is covered with thousands of precious stones that make it look like a fine piece of jewelry.

It has been designed to be worn as a bracelet and is hence significantly smaller than the leather versions that are designed normally. The design called the Kelly bag is crafted with crocodile scale effect out of rose gold. 1,160 diamonds have been used to embellish the small but expensive tote. The price tag is perhaps the highest ever for a bag at £1.2 million. This is a special creation by accessories designer Pierre Hardy who spent almost two years making it. Patrick Thomas, CEO of Hermes accepted that the idea of creating such expensive bags is crazy and was at a loss to say as to who would actually buy such pricey pieces. At that price point it is obviously a limited edition design and only three pieces of each design has been planned.

Pierre Hardy is known for his fine jewelry design and had launched a collection called Haute Bijouterie for the brand in 2009. The collection was inspired by horses and horse racing. These Hermes handbags are also very artistically finished and the owner will perhaps need two bodyguards when going out with the bag.

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