Harrods Dabbles Into The Gold Bar Business

Gold spells good business in these difficult financial times. And with the price going over $1,000 an ounce, there is a suddent gold rush among the people who are looking for a safe investment to put their savings in. That is just the reason why gold bars have come back into fashion. Now, even brands likes Harrods have decided to take a detour from the conventional path and sell bullions at the very same counter that sells other gold jewelry too.

According to The London Times, the Knightbridge store has started stacking the miniature vault with pure Swiss gold bullions to cater to the growing demand for the same in the precious metal market. Again, there is the option of buying gold coins too.

All this is happening with a collaboration between Harrods and the Swiss refiner Produits Artistiques Metaux Precieux. They are also offering online sales as not everyone would want to brave the traffic to reach the department store. You can be sure of the purity too for a gold bar comes nothing less than $466,000. The brand is also offering a safe deposit box in case you do not have a proper place to store the bullion in.


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