Gugliemi Lights Up The Shower For Some Therapy

So much for the wellness of the body and the mind. A new shower head called WaterTherapy from brand Gugliemi has got our rapt attention. Now, this one is a bit different from the showers we have seen so far. Some 480 LED lightings luxury bath accessory that claims to take your mind and soul to new therapeutic highs.

We are informed that the shower runs in accordance to chromo therapy which has been combined with the rainbow effect to provide a rejuvenating shower to the user. The vast choices of program options are a real treat. Yes, you can choose from 9 mono-chromatic programs and 2 multi-color programs for personalizing the shower to suit your needs.

Hmmm…now this would be just perfect if there was a musical installation too. We know you might find us a bit wanting at this juncture but hey, we were only thinking of a product that combines the complete spa experience. Imagine the ultimate relaxation and the few bucks we’d save then.

Via gugliemi

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