Gold Ingot USB Drive Makes the Geeks Go Bling

Much of your personal data which is precious to you may be junk without having any resale value. But, When it is stored in a gold bar drive? Don’t dream about gold ingot drive but it appears to look like a gold brick. Just you can make fun of others with the mini br and have a lot of fun while fooling around. The USB drive of 4GB is cased in a wooden box, has the thin layer of gold leaf of high quality. It is manufactured in Kanazawa City, in the Ishikawa Prefecture in Japan.

With a storage capacity of  4GB, the  drive measures 3.2″, and looks like a solid shiny 999.9 fine gold brick. It is capable of storing your valuable files, mp3 songs, photographs, and important data. The Glitzy drive can be used for Macs and Windows 7 / Vista / XP.  As it looks like a small bar it can be carried anywhere along with your personal belongings in a bag. Those who crave for the yellow metal would be pleased to possess the gold bar USB memory drive.

The Gold Ingot USB drive made by I-O Data has the body of a Japanese big leaf magnolia. If you are interested in USB memory stick of gold you can order tat Geek Stuff 4 U. As the product is manufactured after your order, the order cannot be cancelled. The hardware has one year warranty. The stylish and customized USB drive designed in gold offers high performance in data transfer rate with advanced storage technology.  It comes at a cost of $186.


Gold Ingot USB drive

Geek Stuff 4 U

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