Go Berserk With The Soda Cup Phone

The conventional phones as well as those using them might smirk at you. But if you have a quirky sense of humor and like to collect the most unthinkable of items, then the Soda Cup phone is the just the thing for you.

As the name suggests, this soda cup look alike is actually a phone and we find that it is more stealthy and hence, quirkier than the average hamburger phone because haven’t we always wondered that a real hamburger would never look so plasticky. And the cord is the only thing that gives it away but it doesn’t steal anything from the cute trin-trin item. Though, yes, you might feel that it had been better if they made it into a cordless phone or a mobile phone.

Nevertheless, we can’t stop laughing at the possible victims of this prank phone when you use it in front of somebody. They sure will feel like they are on drugs of some sorts. Wow, what a wonderful phone? And at a price of $14, you just have no reasons to resist this smiley freckle faced fake cup (at least get it for your kid’s room) with a very weird generic Soda name.

Via gizmodo

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