Glitzy Tribute For Departed Pets

Pet lovers, kindly lend your ears here and listen to me quietly. We have been entertaining ways to keep our loved ones close to our heart even when they are dead. Yah, space ships after death or temporarily dying to get rejuvenated are the ways to pay tribute to our loved ones. But did you ever give a thought to do something on similar lines for your loyal poochie. Or don’t tell me you are cruel enough not to bother to do any such thing for your pet. Fact is they have a very small life span but takes only days to become a part of our life that we start considering them more than our family member. Only few blessed souls are giving a thought to the idea of finding ways to keep the memories of departed pet with them.

Amist gamut of reputable funeral services available, there is a growing fad to bring home designer stuff developed absolutely to pay an accolade to him/her. What a great thought to add rejuvenate the memories of your pooch via mini Buddhist altar, the Memoria Areca?

It features sections for a vase along with a glass case that exhibits preferred items like leashes and toys and a picture frame integrated with the lid. Here you have ready options: Priced at $2,200-$2,600, the Memoria Areca is available in two designer patterns, all set to embellish the living room mantel or dressing room desk. Or you can embed your pet’s remains into a diamond ring. Sounds weird but it is happening! If you have spare $$$$, you can also ink neat deals with diamond rings or pendants of $2,900 for 0.1c or $19,000 for 1.0c.
Glitzy Tribute For Departed Pets Pet, diamond, designer, death, funeral services, altarm, Memoria Areca

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