German Engineers Create Luxe eVolo Multicopter

The e-volo multicopter is a human carrying helicopter. The transportation device is created by a team of German professionals. The sixteen propeller helicopter allow pilot to hover in the air. In spite of its odd looking it is manageable with a joystick. The system is automatic which balances in high altitude with the help a computer system and you could easily manage to travel.

The e-volo consists of sixteen motors, which are powered by batteries is energy-efficient. Even three to four batteries fail, you could land safely if the e-volo is outfitted with parachute. At present flight time will last for 20-30 minutes depending on lithium batteries. The design professionals hope that the time could be increased by increasing the capacity of battery or by hybrid gas system. Comparatively it is very simple than helicopter without much complex mechanisms.

e-volo is an innovative, fits into the category of ultralights. The propellers lift the vehicle, balancing the device on all three axes. The speed control of motors is independent and since the initial stage the device is electrically powered device. The propellers have no pitch control which makes mechanically simple and no maintenance is necessary.

During vertical takeoff, or landing, the pilot pays little attention to pitch control, minimum speed, gas mixture control and many more factors. This electrically driven device is economically cost efficient, clean and quiet. The unmanned flight will not be strenuous to navigate for pilot. The flight for an hour would cost six Euros for electricity.


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