France Is Judged As The Best Place To Live In

If you are looking for paradise on earth? The International Living magazine’s 30th Quality of Life Index has looked closely at some 200 countries across nine categories which include cost of living, environment, safety and culture only to find that nothing matches the benefits that France has to offer. Yep, you hear it right. This country has topped the list as the most ideal place to live in for the fifth time in a row. Australia came in a close second (though Indians might think differently on that account) and SWitzerland stayed on third.

Jackie Flynn, the International Living publisher, was heard saying that France is place where life itself is savored. And we are sure that she is not the only one to think so. The French connection has always been an intrinsic part of our lives with vacations being spent there for it is indeed one of the most beautiful countried n the world with pride showing in the smallest of details.

From what we hear, the survey paid very close attention to provincial France as it was quite taken in by its natural beauty and charm which allow affordability and sevices, particularly for retiress and their families. Apparently, in the Southwestern Midi-Pyrenees region you can get a good hunting ground for village homes for less than $100,000. And the classic three0course lunch can cost $14.

Via luxuo

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