Handbags can be a bold fashion statement and most definitely so if your pooch also carries a miniature replica of what should be called a ‘Pawbag’. Forzierie.com, the Italian luxury accessories online retailer has taken up this concept and is partnering with luxury launches website VeryFirstTo.com to offer you the opportunity to get a miniature bag which is the exact replica in all aspects of your luxury handbag. It will be the ultimate accessory for the fashionistas who is sure to attract the attention and admiration of one and all when she arrives with her pooch with a matching Pawbag.
The offer is available not only for Forzieri.com’s own brands but also selected partner brands. After you choose your bag you can have the matching Pawbag custom made for your pet. VeryFirstTo.com is taking this project rather seriously and had even conducted a survey to determine the most fashionable dog breeds. According to the affluent members of the luxury launches site the most fashionable dog breeds are: Labrador, Golden Retriever, Dalmation, Miniature Schnauzer and Yorkshire Terrier. They consider the Dandie Dinmont Terrier to be the least fashionable. There are celebrity Labradors who are owned by fashionable names like Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt and Mary-Kate Olsen as well as reality TV princess Kendal Jenner.
Founder of VeryFirstTo, Marcel Knobil feels that the concept has the potential of becoming a trend that will sweep across the world. Andrea Forzieri, CEO & Founder of Forzierie.com pointed out that an increasing number of fashionable women are owning dogs. He strongly feels that they would be thrilled to see their pooches matching their elegant style. Forzieri has some of the most coveted accessories and handbags from leading luxury labels in its portfolio. In addition it also retails shoes, clothing and jewelry. If the trend of Pawbag catches on then the luxury retailer will also consider creating miniature replicas of other accessories for the pets of fashionistas.