Floating Garden Purifies Water in Aquarium

Benjamin Graindorge and Duende Studio have created an amazing floating garden that is visually appealing. All gardens are of course visually appealing but the fact that this garden floats on water makes it all the more exotic and worthy of praise and admiration. This actually is a natural water filtration system for aquariums.

The dirty water is purified and thanks to all the plans the water in the aquarium is oxygenated and it would help your fish to stay healthy. It is based on the principle of hydroponics and it eliminates all the wastes excreted by fish in two ways including gravel bed filtration and Aquaponics and thus nitrate rich water is absorbed by plants and fresh water is released again.


It can grow tomatoes or Amazonian plants. It can be kept clean easily and only a sponge wipe to remove algae is enough with an occasional water top up to compensate for the evaporation and some fish food. It is almost a self sufficient aquarium which needs no attention, and also looks awesome thanks to the garden like look!

Via: Moco Loco

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  • TanadyJesslyn says:

    Wow,nice post!I was amazed with it,
    i am eager to have one floating garden :)

    thx a lot for sharing such a great info

    GooD Day

    Jesslyn Tanady

    All Gardening Secret

  • elizabeth says:

    cannot find where to buy one? looked all over internet but cannot find anything but articles and promises that it came out spring 2010

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