Flat Fold Faucet offers Personalization Option to Control Water Flow

The Flat Fold faucet, as the name suggests is flat and the tap folds back into the flat squarish unit that’s mounted on the wall. The designer Min Kong has really come up with a unique concept and developed an out of the box design of a faucet for a luxury bathroom. If you don’t know it is a faucet you can easily mistake it for high-tech mirror hanging in the bathroom. At best you might think it is a modern cabinet. You can never imagine that it is a faucet as you can’t locate the tap.

When you fold the tap back, it fits flush with the base of the unit. The unit looks very discreet but is packed with lots of advanced digital technology that allows you complete control over the flow of the water from the tap. The unit has a capacitive touch sensitive panel that offers various permutation and combination on the type of flow of water, the strength of the flow of water and the temperature of the water that flows out of the tap. It is not a simple faucet.

The Flat-Fold faucet has deservedly been nominated for the Recce Bathroom Innovation Awards. It is not just the look of the faucet that is appealing but its functions and convenience that makes using the faucet a pleasant experience. The touch sensitive control panel gives you three distinct personalization options. The first option lets you manipulate the type of water flow. The second personalization option lets you control the strength of water flow and the third is to control the temperature of the water flow. There are separate buttons to start and stop the flow of water. It is a smart faucet that you would enjoy using.

Via: yankodesign, bathroominnovation

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