Fakro Designs Roof Windows that Transform into Rooftop Balcony

Fakro, the Polish company established in 1991 have established themselves as the designers and manufacturers of innovative windows. The latest product developed by them is a skylight roof window that transforms into a rooftop balcony when opened. It is not just a single skylight but a windows system with two upward and downward opening windows. The windowpanes are designed to open out to form a guard rail, creating an open air small terrace. The installation of this window can transform a room completely without going in for any expensive renovation. It is an innovative design and a clever use of mechanism that makes it a multi utility window.

The Ro0f Window Sash Can be Tilted Out Up To 45°

The window systems designed by Fakro is simple if you see how it works. The upper window pane is hung from top and opens upwards whereas the lower sash tilts forward when you open it. This is where the innovative design comes in. The lower sash can be tilted from 0° to 45°, and there is an auxiliary system that keeps the sash in whatever position you leave it. The upper sash can be raised up to 45° and is also held in its place by the same auxiliary system. The lower sash works as a vertical wall for the balcony. Side rails are built into the window system and when you flip the lower sash open the rails slide forward to create a gated guard for either side of the balcony.

The Widow Panes are Glazed to Block Solar Gain

The innovative window creates a balcony which is large enough for outdoor dining for two. It is a perfect opening where one can unwind after a hard day’s work. Designed as skylight roof window its window panes are glazed to block solar gain and ensure insulation inside. The balcony rails hide themselves on the side as you close the window and then it looks like a skylight. The windows also feature automatic air inlets that increase fresh air circulation and reduce the need for artificial climate control. What more can one ask for? The windows create small terraces, open up the space and give you a breath of fresh air, all at the cost of a mere skylight.

Via: inhabitat

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