Experience the Opulence of the South, Scarlett O Hara Style

How would you like to live the lifestyle of Scarlett O’Hara from Gone With The Wind? The luxury, the class, and the opulence in the novel and the movie was almost dreamlike. But you could make it true. You and your best gals are being given the chance to go to Savannah and live there in one of the five luxury mansions of Luxury Living Savannah. It is a boutique hotelier that maintains the original splendour of historic homes, adding to them modern amenities that are essential for any luxury hotel.

Savannah happens to be the biggest district in USA and still has the old charm of the South. You can see vast expanse of porches and plantations, beautiful streets lined with old oak trees and Spanish moss, and ofcourse the Southern hospitality. Here you can visit several historic sites, locations made famous by movies, tingle your taste-buds with some authentic southern style dishes at restaurants like Lady and Son’s Restaurant and Uncle Bubbas Oyster bar from Savannah sweetheart, Paula Deen.

You can also find some treasures in antique galleries, or just bask in the grandeur of the history and culture of the place, which is abundant everywhere you go here. Each of the Luxury Living mansion is also lovely. Pick anyone and have a great time with your besties.

Via: prweb

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