Elite Estate: Broadmoor Hospital for the Insane to be Turned into an Expensive Hotel or Apartment

Broadmoor Hospital is one of the most notorious hospitals in the world, and the most notorious in Britain. It has at various times housed some of the most violently insane patients, most of whom were serial killers or psychotic murderers. It is Britain’s best known high security hospital.

Now, the time has come to down the shutters for the insane and invite the likes of us, who would pay millions to have a permanent home in the insanity asylum. Or perhaps, it could be turned into a hotel for eager tourists, who would like to know how inmates like Moors murderer Ian Brady, Charles Bronson, “most violent prisoner in Britain” – Ronnie Kray, John Straffen, and others lived.

The money that one would get from the asylum would be used to build a new facility for male inmates in association with the NHS, or the National Health Service. This should be the craziest piece of real estate in the world, with pun intended of course. I would so love to stay here, and dream about the violently mad inmates, who can sometimes be quite charming.

Via: Independent

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