Cloud Umbrella, All In The Name Of Happiness

What do you really look for when the weather is gloomy? Let us help. Isn’t it plain simple happiness! And we do now of a wise guy who said that happiness lies in small things. You must be wondering what all that philosophy must be about. Honestly, we could not think of a better way to introduce the Cloud Umbrella that sells with a catch line that goes, ‘happiness concept umbrella’.

Cute thinking, to say the least. The cloud umbrella might seem less practical than the neon tube umbrellas that were all over ‘Blade Runner’ but they, nonetheless, are very futuristic. A creation of Dutch designer Joonsoo Kim, this unique umbrella comes with the promise to uplift your mood when it is pouring cats and dogs.

All you have to do is just carry the Cloud Umbrella in a stick like form and then inflate into the mini-cumulus clouds of protection the raindrops start to fall on your head. So far, there isn’t a price tag that we can talk about. Then again, we are not sure of this product hitting the market. But one can always hope, for the sake of happiness!

Via joons, dvice & donstopdesign

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