Chichen Itza Formally Becomes Government Property

Chichen Itza is a world famous archaelogical site situated in the Yucatan state in Mexico. Hordes of tourists from all over the world come each year to take delight in the massive and unique design of this ancient structure. And now the Yucatan government has mde the big move of the buying the 205 private acres of the Chicen Itza zone for  around $17 milliom. This land was previously owned by businessman Hans Jurgen Thies Barbachono. It might sound a bit strange to the ear but the ruins of Chichen Itza always were federal property while the land under the monuments had been privately owned for hundreds of years until now.

The property transaction is significant  for it formally brings an end to years of bickering over the site. Apparently, the grandfather of the previous owner wa so miffed that he even took the battle to court in the early 2000s after the state begand withholding money from the sale of tickets into the site.

But now the site of Chichen Itza is formally a government site. It is important because of its many beautiful Mayan buildings, most of which have been restored. The UNESCO calls it a World Heritage Site and the second most-visted archaelogical site in Mexico. The El Castillo which is a part of Chichen Itza was named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.

Via artdaily

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