BL Autotec Unveils Robot that Could Open Doorknobs in Times of Emergency

If you were wondering what could be the scariest thing to happen to you, it could be getting stuck in a building that needs to be evacuated. When a building is on fire, or when the building is collapsing the doors might get stuck and rescue workers may not be able to find you, leaving you vulnerable to danger.

In order to deal with such situations, here is a remote-controlled robot hand developed by a Japanese robot manufacturer called BL Autotec. The robot can grip and turn doorknobs and can safely evacuate the people who are stuck. The robot can be used in times of nuclear, biological and chemical disasters. Thanks to a built-in CCD camera and an LED light, humans can operate it easily and can be used in industrial settings as well.

The robot is expected to cost $110,000 but rescue agencies can afford to invest in something like this. After all, a robot that can force the door open could save so many lives if it has got to do with a fire incident. Because, most deaths occur due to suffocation and breaking the door open would save lives.

Via: Crunch Gear

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