Beforme Lets You Stay Connected With Your Unborn Baby

Had this gadget come a year or two sooner, Tom Cruise would have been saved the trouble of buying a sonogram to follow the progress of his unborn baby with Katie Holmes. Well, we are talking about Beforme, which is an MP3 player-cum-stethoscope that looks like an embryo.

The gadget is sure to become a succes with expecting mothers because it lets you listen to the heartbeats of you child just at the click of a button. This amazing concpet was thought of by Elzbieta Madej with the help of Robert Majkut. Madej decided to make Beforme when moourning the death of her sister’s child.

Yes, Beforme is a blessing because it not only gives the mother-to-be the option of listening to the unborn baby’s heartbeats, but can also record it for the doctor to learn more on the baby’s progress. Really, this could be the start of a baby diary, when the child is still inside!


Beforme is being maufactured by Puffi Santel Intergalactico and will soon be available in the market. The complete package will include headphones, corps and a stethoscope that will have a display area for the heartbeats to be shown as a graph.

This could be good news for dads too because even they can start bonding with their child at a very early stage.

Via trendsupdates & yatzer

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