Attract Customers With ‘Atractable’

Product presentation was never so tech savvy! With the new “atracTable” you can now impress your customers in just a few seconds. Transform your conventional counter or information desk into an astonishing interactive surface with atracTable. The multi-touch surface offers you an infinite number of tools and possibilities for a surprising presentation.

Present your products in a stylish new way by simply placing them on an atracTable and the table takes care of the rest with creating a special ambiance around them.For each product placed on the user-friendly surface, a menu-based interface appears with which you can interact directly with the intuitive movements of one or more of your fingers. Browse the menu, move the objects or use the multimedia effects for an innovative presentation.

AtracTable is the combination of video-based movements tracking system, a computer, a beamer, and a screen. It�s interesting how much easier and fun filled a simple product presentation could be made. Less time consuming and more satisfactory information could be extracted within seconds! It could be brought to a wide range of utility.

Via Atracsy

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