AltusLumen have launched what everyone has just been waiting for: A cool LED lamp that can be used in 18 different ways. Innovative Portable LED Lighting for Outdoor Enthusiast has been called the LightGear Gre 18-in-1 innovative LED lighting equipment and it not only lights up a certain area, but also comes with survival tools for hikers and outdoors people.
Folks like campers, hikers, travellers and other outdoor enthusiasts can make use of this amazing gadget that works in several ways. If you visit their website, you would know t6hat the 18 functions are quite amazing indeed. 10-in-1 survival tools, Aluminium whistle to save your ass if you are lost, and a storage compartment if you intend to get lost for a long time are some of the cool features of the LightGear Gre.
It comes with 6 innovative lighting methods, and can be fit inside the pocket as well! It is weather proof and when battery runs out, it reminds you that it is going to switch off. Such is the power of this cool gadget.
You can even use it on a rainy day! I would so love to buy it for my friends.