If you were looking for some elegant and chic desk designs, you must perhaps check out the Deborah. Debora is an Aeroplane Wing Desk which is not only eco-friendly but is sure to assist you in start8ing a conversation. The Deborah has been designed by Reestore Eco Design and makes use of aluminium aeroplane wing, stainless steel legs, and toughened glass. This offers a large surface for working but there are no drawers, which is a drawback.
Nevertheless, that is the only problem this drawer has and it looks stylish, chic and interest8uing. It is quite expensive and costs 2,800 Pounds. The drawer would look good if you are a designer yourself and you could display your unique interests in products and designs that people usually do not have.
Get this desk and make a lasting impression on your client. I am sure they may even come back again just to check out your table. However one can’t take clients and customers for granted and depend on a fancy table. So make sure you do your professional work in a chic way, to suit the look of your table.
Via: SwitchedonSet/EthicalSuperstore