Actually Bring The Moon To Your Beloved This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is almost here and the loverlorn guys must already have started promising the moon to their beloveds. So far, it’s always been a figure of speech. Though things might change a tad little this time. The “Out of This World – Wonders of The Solar System” is a new space exhibit that’s been kept inside the Gasometer in Oberhausen.

It holds a 380-foot tall obsolete gas holder which is really a unique moon sculpture. And if we hear it correct, this one has been touted as the largest replica of the moon in the world with a width of 82 feet. So we can safely ask Bruce Almighty to move over for now we can have our personal moon to see and touch from close.

Again, this moon at the Gasometer is inside a cathedral-like space area which also houses replicas of the sun and all its planets. The heavenly bodies take up a total space of 223 feet. The sculptors have paid a lot of attention to detailing and accuracy. We are told that they got all their data from high-resolution satellite images of the moon and its proud neighbors. It’s a must visit, if your ask us. The ethereal music and the great lighting bring their own charm to the whole affair.

Via artdaily

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