A Private Airport for Private Jets Kick Starts in Abu Dhabi

We have all heard about how cool it is to have a private jet and be able to fly at will. However, we have never heard about private airports which are only meant for the landing of private jets. In Abu Dhabi, one of the most affluent cities in the world, some really entrepreneurial people have built an airport specifically for private jets. The airport comes with richly decorated rooms, conference rooms, private offices, security and even privacy that all of us rich people crave for.

It would serve as a gateway to the UAE and would allow you to avoid the masses. The airport also provides tea rooms, private relaxation areas, direct access to luxury hotels, crew for the jets and amazing cuisine that might get your taste buds melting. All of these services would be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

It could just be the best way to make sure you would get ultimate service in the world of luxury and opulence. Moreover, Abu Dhabi is also the lap of luxury and is one of the best places to fly your private jet to. So, go ahead and get all your act together and start using this private airport for more privacy, luxury and comfort. There couldn’t be a better way than this to be able to enjoy opulence and decadence. We had also written about the Ritz Carlton that would be built in Abu Dhabi and that would welcome all the rich visitors to the city.

Via: Embelezzia

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