A Luxurious Thais Art Whirpool Bathtub from BluBleu

Given the recent scenario, bathtubs are a name synonym to luxury. Luxurious bathtubs these days are super techy and those embedded with sensors are made to deliver relaxation and rejuvenation in the most fashionable way. The luxury whirlpool tub from BluBleu is a similar bathroom attachment which is made to look beautiful and make the user feel invigorated, in both body and spirit.

Hailed as Thais Art whirlpool tub, this spectacular indoor Jacuzzi measures 7 feet by 7.5 feet square and comfortably fit 4 individuals. To top it all, we have anthracite colored cushions and headrests, so you can either chat or read as your body relaxes in the luxury of an elite Jacuzzi. Also, one of the exteriors of the tub has wood veneering which doubles as a book shelf, so you can stash all the reading material you need by the side of your bathtub.

It’s amazing to see how Blubleu has put together a contemporary piece of furniture with a beautiful utilitarian product. The folks at the Italian company believe that climbing into one of their bathtubs should be a moment equivalent to that taking care of your body and enjoying a moment of leisure.

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